The History of the Christmas Tree

61abwvvtr2blThe Christmas Tree – An extract from the book Religious Customs in the Family by Fr. Franics X. Weiser, S.J.

“…The first description of a Christmas tree with familiar features is given in a German manuscript of the year 1605. It was in the sections at the left bank of the Rhine that the tree developed, and from there it spread through of the country, slowly at first, but with sudden great speed from about 1800 on. It came to America through the immigrants towards the middle of the 19th century.

Considering these historical facts, it will be clear to parents how the meaning and message of the Christmas tree is completely religious. It stands in the house at Christmas time as a symbol and reminder that Our Lord is the “Tree of Life” and the “Light of the world.” Its many individual lights might be explained to the children as symbols of His divine and human traits and virtues. The glittering decorations indicate His great glory. The fact that it is evergreen is an ancient symbol of eternity.”

To continue reading buy the book from Fidelity Books, The Book Depositry or Amazon

More information about the history of the Christmas tree on;  The Christmas Tree: Legends, Traditions, History

One thought on “The History of the Christmas Tree

  1. There is also a bit about Christmas Lights coming from the time of the Catholic persecution in Ireland in the 17th Century which is interesting to read. Catholics left the door unlatched and the candles burning on Christmas Eve in the hope that a priest would see their home and come to celebrate Christmas Mass within even just ONCE in their lifetimes. Mass was outlawed. How fortunate are we with a multitude of daily Masses available to us in this country! Our Irish forebears would risk all for just that one Mass! (The authorities believed they were lighting their homes to welcome in Joseph and Mary which was seen as a harmless tradition).


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